A financial donation to the South Derbyshire CVS Food Bank could be the most meaningful present you give this Christmas.
SDCVS is a local charity ...registered in England & Wales as a charity (number 1101450) working to improve the quality of life for people in South Derbyshire. They do it by providing services to individuals and families in need, as well as helping voluntary groups and communities to become self-supporting.
We are delighted to support their good work this festive season. Any amount you can give will be used to directly benefit the charities users, at a time of year that often brings especial difficulty. If you do donate, thank you very much!
The SocEntEastMIds Team
‘This year we will provide around 1,000 emergency food parcels to individuals and families in need in South Derbyshire. The festive season can be particularly difficult for people experiencing financial hardship – so our help and support is crucial at this time.
That’s why we’re appealing for financial donations to help feed families across South Derbyshire who are struggling. This can be for all kinds of reasons – ill-health, job loss, bereavement, homelessness or other changes in personal circumstances.
Big or small, a gift from you will help us make sure no-one in South Derbyshire goes hungry this Christmas’. Source: SDCVS web site…
Donate securely now : using your PayPal account or with your card